Johann Fruhmann
2005, 280 pages
30 x 24 cm
Publisher: Kopriva
Leopold Museum, Vienna
Museum Moderner Kunst Kärnten, Klagenfurt, Carinthia
Articles by: Rudolf Leopold/Andrea Madesta, Peter Baum, Kristian Sotriffer, Liesbeth Waechter-Böhm, Wolfgang Hilger, Wilfried Skreiner, Markus Mittringer und Christa Hauer-Fruhmann
Language: German
ISBN: 3-900619-12-3
Johann Fruhmann
1989, 220 pages
28 x 23 cm
Publisher: Ritter Verlag
Articles by: Peter Baum, Armand Jakob, Kristian Sotriffer, Liesbeth Waechter-Böhm, Wilfried Skreiner, Wolfgang Hilger and Felicitas Frischmuth
Language: German
ISBN: 3-85415-077-6
Johann Fruhmann
Bilder 1950-1984
1984, 48 pages
27 x 21 cm
Publisher: Niederösterreichisches Dokumentationszentrum für Moderne Kunst
Articles by: Wilfried Skreiner, Franz Kaindl, Wolfgang Hilger
Language: German
Johann Fruhmann
Bilder 1981-82
1982, 36 pages
20,5 x 21 cm
Publisher: Neue Galerie Wien, Vienna
Article by: Kristian Sotriffer
Language: German
Johann Fruhmann
Bilder 1964-77
1977, 28 pages
19 x 21 cm
Publishers: Städtische Galerie Villingen, Germany
Landesgalerie Schloß Esterhazy, Eisenstadt
Articles by: Peter Baum und Liesbeth Waechter-Böhm
Language: German
Johann Fruhmann
Bilder 1950 - 1974
Zeichnungen 1948
1974, 72 pages
20,5 x 21 cm
Publisher: Neue Galerie der Stadt Linz
Article by: Peter Baum
Language: German
Die Sammlung Hauer-Fruhmann
im Schloß Lengenfeld und im Griechenbeisl
2004, 472 pages
25 x 18 cm
Publisher: Christa Hauer-Fruhmann
This book, edited by Christa Hauer-Fruhmann, contains the catalog of the exhibition: „Artists, collectors, patrons“ in the Kunsthalle Krems (1996), excerpts from the book „Galerie im Griechenbeisl“, activities in Schloss Lengenfeld 1991-2003, numerous texts and images from the collection as well as interviews with Christa Hauer.
Language: German
Galerie im Griechenbeisl
Christa Hauer und Johann Fruhmann:
Pioniere der zeitgenössischen Kunstszene in Wien
1995, 246 pages
30 x 21 cm
Publisher: Verlag Christian Brandstätter, Vienna
Language: German
ISBN: 3-85447-583-7
The book offers an insight into the art and art criticism of the sixties in Austria. From 1960 to 1971, the gallery in the „Griechenbeisl“ enabled numerous now renowned artists to have their first public presentation. In this legendary information gallery, in addition to multiples, room installations, environments and conceptual efforts, abstractions of a lyrical, gestural and figurative nature, realistic tendencies, the “realities” and modern classics were represented. In addition, the gallery of the artists Christa Hauer and Johann Fruhmann was a forum for discussion, communication and discourse for artists. At that time there were hardly any opportunities in Vienna, especially for young artists.
extended bibliography:
Armand Jakob, Catalogue 1952
Werner Hofmann, „Moderne Kunst in Österreich“, Werk, 1953
Heimo Kuchling, „L’Art Club di Vienna“, 1954
A. Neuwirth, Cimaise, 1955
Gerhard Schmidt, „Neue Kunst in Österreich“, 1956
Albino Galvano, „6 pittori Austriaci“, 1957
Alfred Schmeller, „Jahrgang 1928“, Continuum
Gert Schiff, Peter Anker, „Art Session Schloß Leopoldskron“, 1960
Ernst Schubert, „Johann Fruhmann 1952 bis 1961“, Catalogue 1961
H. Vollmer, Kunstlexikon des 20. Jahrhunderts, 1961
Kristian Sotriffer, Catalogue 1962
Kristian Sotriffer, „Malerei und Plastik in Österreich“, 1963
Ernst Köller, „Moderne Kunst in Österreich“, 1965
Werner Hofmann, „Malerei in Österreich“, 1965
Otto Breicha, „Aufforderung zum Mißtrauen“, 1967
Kristian Sotriffer, D’ars 1969
Robert Weissenberger, „Die Wiener Secession – Jugend & Volk“, 1971
Peter Baum, „Alte und Moderne Kunst“, 1973
Klaus Pack, „Moderne Graphik in Österreich“
Peter Baum, Catalogue 1974
Wieland Schmied, „Malerei nach 1945“, 1974
Liesbeth Wächter-Böhm, Catalogue 1977 (Speech at the exhibition opening)
Werner Schulze-Reimden, Catalogue 1981
Wolfgang Huger. Niederösterreichische Kulturberichte, 1981
Kristian Setriffer, Catalogue 1982
Kristian Sotrifter, „Der Kunst ihre Freiheit – Wege der Österreichischen Moderne von 1880 bis zur Gegenwart‘, 1984
Wolfgang Hilger, Franz Kaindi, Wilfried Skreiner, Catalogue „.8/der 1950 84“
Otmar Rychlik, Catalogue „Zeichen und Gesten“, 1986
Kristian Sotriffer, „Parnass“ September/Oktober 1988
Antonia Hoerschelmann, Catalogue „Sechzig Zeichnungen einer Generation“ 1989
The bibliography of the artist Johann Fruhmann is continuously updated. We would be grateful for any hints.
Vernissage 340
The 340th issue of the art magazine Vernissage (November 2018) contains a comprehensive review on the painter Johann Fruhmann with a text by Günther Oberhollenzer.
Article "Die Presse"
from 10th November 2018 on the occasion of a special presentation at Art & Antique in the Vienna Hofburg.
Article by: Johanna Hofleitner
Article "Der Standard"
from 21st May 2015 on the occasion of a retrospective in the Kopriva gallery in Krems.
Article by: Andrea Schurian
The artist couple Christa Hauer and Johann Fruhmann
The hub of the artistic and social awakening in Vienna and Lower Austria after 1945
2015, 28 pages
18 x 28 cm
Publisher: Grünspan – platform for art and culture in the Drautal, Carinthia
Article by: Margot Fassler
Vernissage 322
In the 322nd issue of the art magazine Vernissage (April 2015) there is an article about the painter Johann Fruhmann with a text by Carl Aigner.